Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Burnout Game Ventures - Who They Are and Why They Are So Awesome!

Weve received a decent amount of inquiries about our Incubator, Burnout Game Ventures LLC, so we wanted to take some time and explain who they are and why theyre so important to NORA. For those of you that arent familiar with an incubator, it is generally an advisory group that helps start-ups streamline the development process. They provide some resources, mentoring, and other tools

BGV is more than an incubator, more than a publisherThey provide whatever resources we require, are lining up some impressive advisers (to mentor us and the other game studios under their umbrella), and offer processes to expedite a game being successfully developed and released. They will also assist with marketing and distributing our game.

When NORA was just getting started, we lacked both resources and direction. We had an awesome idea for a game and we had a solid vision for the studio, but as weve mentioned before, getting the ball moving is often the hardest part of any project. We spent about a year in preproduction to hammer out some ideas before getting connected with BGV and since then the production has drastically changed.

Weekly BGV Team Meeting
Rupert Meghnot, BGVs founder, strives of getting a game from idea to market in 6-months. With the slow pace NORA was moving we were thrilled to get started under their mentorship. We joined up with other local Indie Studios (Sour Foot Games, SymbioVR, Major Games, etc.) and got to work.

BiT: Evolution - Major Games
Aside from tools and advice to manage and maintain development, BGVs aforementioned advisers direct specific parts of the development process. These industry veterans provide great feedback on the development of the art, design, development, and even marketing/business aspects of setting up and running a game development studio.

Victim 146 - Sour Foot Games
BGV is quickly growing. With over 60 developers under them (in just six months), each project is moving at a steady pace. One of the greatest things about this network is the ability for developers to move between teams and work on multiple projects. As most of the developers are just breaking into the industry theyre gaining amazing experience and multiple credits under their name.

If you are interested in learning more about Burnout Game Ventures or possibly even joining as a developer or an adviser, check out their website:

"Strap In, Shut Up, and Hang On"

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